Philips Sonicare je jediná elektrická zubná kefka so sonickým čistiacim záberom, s ktorou dosiahnete výnimočný pocit sviežosti a čistoty. To najlepšie bielenie zubov od Sonicare v našom najelegantnejšom modeli elektrickej zubnej kefky Philips Sonicare. Sonická kefka Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Black Odstraňuje až 7-krát viac povlaku a bieli zuby 2-krát lepšie než manuálna kefka.
Philips Sonicare is the only electric toothbrush with sonic sweeping motion for an exceptional fresh and clean feeling. Experience the Philips Sonicare difference! Healthier gums in two weeks versus a manual toothbrush.
Same Day delivery days a week £3.
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush 2-handle Pack, White 310Strokes per Minute Modes, Up to Weeks Battery Life . Great oral health doesn’t have to be guesswork. With the Philips Sonicare app you can see where you’re brushing, navigate trouble spots, and . Philips Sonicare Series HealthyWhite Electric Toothbrush: Keep those pearly whites shining with help from this electric toothbrush, which features Sonic . With the Philips Sonicare app you can see where you’re brushing, navigate trouble spots, and get real-time . Free shipping on purchases over $save with your Target REDcard. You seek innovation in every aspect of your life. So don’t stop when it comes to oral hygiene.
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