Okrem toho zastával niekoľko pozícií ako minister. V rámci štruktúr Európskej únie bol predsedom Euroskopiny ministrov financií eurozóny v rokoch 2005-2013. Jean-Claude I hate democracy Juncker is a Luxembourgish politician.
In 201 the European People’s Party (EPP) had Juncker as its lead candidate, or Spitzenkandidat, for the Presidency of the Commission in the . Jean-Claude_JunckerV pamätiPodobnéPreložiť túto stránkuV rámci lucemburského předsednictví EU, v letech 19a 200 byl vždy na šest měsíců předsedou Evropské rady, respektive Rady Evropské unie. The President is the head of the European Commission. According to the Treaties, he decides on the organisation of the Commission, allocates portfolios to .
Nigel Farage has launched another scathing attack on the EU following the European Commission president’s State of the Union speech, . Jean- Claude Juncker meets with other EU leaders after the referendum result. Junker wants us to clarify our position on Brexit. Where but in the EU could a small-time politician with no particular. Junker turned Luxemburg into a tax nearly-free haven, making it the ‘per . Junkers 6160-Spitzbergen FSeries watch Quick view.
Junkers 6892-Worldtimer GMT Chronograph watch Quick view . The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, was bitch slapping EU leaders, calling. Juncker: Brexit wont be the death of the EU.
The EU lead by Junkers Merkel and Hollande gambled and lost.