Off-Line UPS sú zväčša používané na zálohovanie osobných počítačov,. Line-Interactive UPS sa vyrábajú vo výkonoch v rozsahu cca 5- 14VA a . Line-Interactive UPS,rh:pcguide. Uninterruptible power supply – ,rh:en. PowerWalker USV – Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung – Dauerwandler,rh:powerwalker. Nahlásiť ďalší obrázokNahláste urážlivý obrázok.
Preskočiť na Line-interactive – The line-interactive UPS is similar in operation to a standby UPS,.
This type of UPS is able to tolerate continuous . The line-interactive UPS uses a totally different design than any type of standby UPS. In this type of unit, the separate battery charger, inverter and source . Príslušenstvo – Záložné zdroje (UPS) – UPS Line-Interactive,Pri tomto vyhotovení je invertor (menič) batérie trvale spojený so zálohovaným výstupom UPS. The Line Interactive UPS, illustrated in Figure is the most common design used.
The Standby On-Line Hybrid is the topology used for many of the UPS under . Technical Comparison of On-line vs. Schneider Electric – Data Center Science Center White Paper Rev 1. Automatizačná a výkonová elektronika, železničné aplikácie, výrobky impulznej techniky, dodávky elektrotechnických zariadení, .
Voltage independent” UPS in compliance with IEC 62040- also known as line interactive, protects against the most common power problems experienced in a . Výstup chránený proti výpadku, zredukovaná váha a rozmery, nízka hlučnosť, ľahká inštalácia. Line interactive technology sits between offline and online. The load is fed from mains during normal operation, however unlike ‘offline’, this technology . Popis produktu: SmartPro LCD 230V 1. VA 900W Line-Interactive UPS, Tower, LCD display, USB, DBSerial Model Number: SMX1500LCDT 1500VA . The output voltage is NOT independent of the input, but there is a stabilization that reduces variations.
Corresponds to a Line-Interactive UPS with AVR function. Guard_S Compact Series 600VA to 3000VA. Guardian Guardian LCD 600VA to 2000VA. Find all the manufacturers of line-interactive ups and contact them directly on DirectIndustry. Line Interactive UPS 1500VA with AVR + USB Port.
Super Fast Charging Line Interactive with Touch Screen Panel 650VA – 1200VA. Line-interactive UPS systems are basically offline topology enhanced by the addition of voltage regulation features to the raw mains supply.